Page 44 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 44

Safety Statistics

          Public Exposure                                                        Perspective of Doses

                                                                                Threshold for Mortality
          AERB  imposes  limits on radioactive liquid and gaseous
          discharges from operating nuclear and radiation facilities. These
          limits are decided by experts and very conservative such that       Radiation Sickness Appears
          there is no adverse effect on the health of public or environment.           10,00,000
          Apart  from  prescribing  limits  AERB  verifies  conformance  to   First Signs of Radiation Effects
          these limits. Radiation dose to the members of the public near                500,000
          the operating plants is estimated based on gaseous release and
                                                                           Emergency Worker Dose Limit/yr
          measurements of radionuclide concentration in items of diet, i.e.
          vegetables, cereals, milk, meat, fish etc., and through intake of
                                                                           Risk of Health Effects insignificant
          air and water.
          During   2019,    the   liquid  and   gaseous    radioactive
          wastes  discharged to the environment  from  the  operating                 Thyroid Scan
          units were only  a  small fraction of the prescribed  technical                43,000
          specification  limits.  The  effective  dose  to  public  due  to  the   Thallium Cardiac Stress Test
          radioactive discharges were estimated to be far less than the
          annual limit of 1 mSv (1000 micro-Sievert) prescribed by AERB.
                                                                              Occupational Dose Limit/yr
          AERB has prescribed a public dose limit of 1 mSv (1000 micro-                  30,000
          Sieverts) per year. All operating NPPs maintained an exclusive           One Chest CT Scan
          zone boundary at 1.6 km radius within which no habitation is                   7,000
                                                                                Natural Background/yr

                                                                                  Public Dose Limit/yr
                                                                                    One Chest X-ray
                                                                                  One 10 hr. Air flight
                                                                             Actual Annual Radiation Dose
                                                                                from Operation of NPPs
                                                                                 at Exclusion Boundary
                                                                                          < 15
                                                                               All Values in Micro-Sievert

              Public Dose at 1.6 km Distance (Exclusion Boundary) for NPPs

          Note: Public dose at Rawatbhata and Kalpakkam sites are relatively higher as compared to other reactor sites,
          due to release of Ar-41 from RAPS-2 and MAPS.

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