Page 45 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 45

Safety Statistics

          Significant Events

                                                                                                     Major Accident
          AERB requires  NPPs  to  report  certain events  that
          occur in the plant which have or may have impact on                   IDENT  6             Serious Accident
          operational safety. The reporting criteria is provided in                  5               Accident with wider
          the Technical Specification for operations. These reports            C  C                  consequences
                                                                               A                     Accident with local
          are reviewed and  categorized  based on International                        4             consequences
          Nuclear & Radiological Event Scale (INES).                                                 Serious incidents
          INES Rating                                                      IDENT         3           Incidents

          The  INES system of  the International  Atomic  Energy          INIC            2          Anomaly
          Agency (IAEA) rates  events  at seven levels (1  to 7)                           1
                                                                                      Below Scale/ Level 0
          depending on their safety significance.
          The accidents at Chernobyl NPP in former USSR (now in                        No Safety Significance
          Ukraine) in April 1986 and Fukushima NPPs in Japan in
          March 2011 were rated at level 7 on INES. These accidents
          involved core meltdown with the consequences of off-
          site radioactivity release to environment.

          •  No  significant  event  was  reported  in  NPP  under                      INES Rating of Events
             construction.                                              NPPs
                                                                                         INES-0       INES-1
          •  A total of 45 significant events were reported from
                                                                 TAPS-1 & 2                 2           0
             the operating NPPs in 2019. Of these, one significant
                                                                 TAPS-3 & 4                 3           0
             event at RAPS-2 was rated at level-1 on INES, while
             40 significant events were rated at level-0 on INES.   RAPS-1 & 2              7           1
          •  One event at TAPS-3&4 is currently under review for   RAPS-3 & 4               3           0
             finalising the INES rating.                         RAPS-5 & 6                 6           0

          •  Three industrial safety events, one each at RAPS-5&6,   MAPS-1& 2              3           0
             KGS-1 ad KKNPP-1&2 were not rated on INES (as they
                                                                 NAPS-1 & 2                 1           0
             are amenable for rating in INES).
                                                                 KAPS-1 & 2                 2           0
                                                                 KGS-1 & 2                  8           0
            All these significant events were reviewed in detail
                                                                 KGS- 3 & 4                 1           0
            to identify and implement  corrective actions as
                                                                 KKNPP-1&2                  4           0
                                                                 Total                     40           1
          The events reported were categorized as per the IAEA-
          IRS coding system. The classification of systems failed /
          affected in the significant events is as shown.
              I & C
           Systems                               Primary         RAPS-2 Event
           Steam and
                                                                 RAPS-2 was shut down due to water  leakage
           Conversion                                            from secondary side of multiple boiler hairpins.
             Systems                                             The  investigation revealed that  leakage was
                      17%               44%
                                                                 due to generic phenomenon (i.e. under deposit
                                                                 corrosion) which had led to wall thinning and
                                                                 pinholes in the boiler hairpins, near the weld
            Electrical                                           joint between tube-sheet  and boiler hairpin
             Systems              5%
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50