Page 50 - AERB Bulletin English
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Document Development

          Development of  Regulatory  Safety                   facilities  and  activities, as  applicable,  with  graded
                                                               AERB  has established a process  for  Revision/
          AERB develops and lays down safety requirements      Development of  REGDOCs  for  use  in regulation  of
          and guidance for utilities and users in the form of   Nuclear, Fuel Cycle and Radiation Facilities. REGDOC
          Regulatory  Safety Documents (REGDOCs).  These       undergoes multi-tier review during its preparation.
          REGDOCs  are issued  under  provisions  of  Atomic   Experts, utility  and stakeholders  are involved  in
          Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules,  2004.  The     the development  of  the regulations  and guides by
          REGDOCs  are developed  with a view to cover  the    direct involvement as well as through comments and
          entire spectrum of regulated Nuclear and Radiation   feedback throughout the development process.

                                                                                          “A total  of 165
                                                                                          Regulatory Safety
                                                                                          Documents  have
                                                                                          been   published
                                                                                          by AERB

                                                                                Experts  in  AERB  reviewed
                                                                                32  Draft  Safety Standards
                                                                                and Document  Preparation
                                                                                Profiles of IAEA and offered
                                                                                valuable suggestions to IAEA.

                                     New Safety Documents Published

                                 Safety      Guide      on     Safety Guide on “Moni-
                                 “Remediation  of  Areas       toring  and Assessment
                                 Affected by Radioactive       of Occupational  Expo-
                                 Contamination” [AERB/         sure due to Intake  of
                                 NRF/SG/RW-9, 2019]            Radionuclides”  [AERB/
                                                               NRF/SG/RP-1, 2019]
                                 provides         guidance
                                 for     planning      and     provides  guidance for
                                 implementing remediation      the   dose    assessment
                                 of   areas   affected  by     of   radiation   workers
                                 radioactive contamination,    due to internal uptake
                                 protective and remedial       of   radionuclides.  This
                                 actions that  are intended    guide is applicable  for
                                 to reduce the existing        the internal dosimetry
                                 exposure and to avert         of personnel working  in
                                 potential for the likelihood   nuclear fuel cycle facilities
                                 of such exposure from the     and radiation facilities
                                 related contamination.        having    potential   for
                                                               internal exposure.

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