Page 53 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 53

Participation in IAEA General Conference
          India is  signatory  to several  international
          conventions related to nuclear safety and security
          such  as Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS),              Participation in IAEA Conference on Effective
                                                                     Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems
          Convention  on Physical  Protection of Nuclear
          Material and its 2005 Amendment, Convention
          on Assistance in the case of Nuclear Damage and           Participation in Technical Meeting of CANDU
          Radiological  Emergency, Convention on early                 Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA)
          notification of nuclear accident etc. India is also                      Working Group
          committed to implement the provisions of Code
                                                                       Contribution in Research Coordination
          of Conduct on safety of research reactors  and
                                                                        Meeting under the IAEA Coordinated
          code on safety and security of radioactive sources.
                                                                      Research Project (CRP) on Multi-unit PSA
          AERB  is  obliged  to  fulfill  the  responsibilities
          assigned  to it under  these  instruments. AERB
                                                                       Availed Membership of Atomic Energy
          actively participates and contributes in several
                                                                              Research (AER), Hungary
          multi-lateral  international  platforms working
          for promotion of nuclear and radiological safety.
          AERB also has bilateral cooperation arrangement           CNS activities and Participation in IAEA-CNS
          with the regulatory bodies of other countries for                  officers’ turnover meeting
          information exchange and experience  sharing
          related to regulation  of nuclear  and  radiation
                                                                        IRRS Follow-up Mission Preparatory
          safety. AERB has bilateral arrangements with the
          nuclear regulatory authorities of France, Russia,
          Romania, Ukraine, the United States of America,
          Finland, Canada, Bangladesh  and the United
                                                                                NEA/MDEP activities
          Kingdom.  AERB  also  has an  agreement with
          IRSN, which is a Technical Support Organization
          in France. Some important activities undertaken
                                                                                 Bilateral Meetings
          during the year are listed here.

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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