Page 42 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 42

Safety In Transport of Radioactive Material

                                     The widespread use of ionizing radiation has brought in the necessity  of
                                     voluminous transport of  the radioactive material from one place  to another,
                                     many a times through public domain.
                                     The transportation of radioactive material (including that of nuclear material
                                     from  nuclear  facilities),  is  governed  by  regulations  specified  by  AERB  in
                                     Safety Code on ‘Safe Transport of Radioactive Material’ and is in line with the
                                     International requirements specified by IAEA for safe transport of radioactive
                                     All transport consignments require Approval from AERB under Atomic Energy
                                     (Radiation Protection)  Rules 2004.  These  consignments  are required  to be
                                     accompanied by a TREM card which contains emergency phone numbers to be
                                     contacted during accidental conditions. The design of the radioactive package
          should be such that during the entire process of transport, it is ensured that the radioactive material remains
          contained and shielded to avoid unacceptable radiation exposure to cargo handlers and public.
          As the activity and nature of radioactive material to be transported varies over a wide range i.e. from few kBq
          (few μCi) to few PBq (thousands of Ci), a graded approach is used in selection of the packaging.

                                   “Type A packages”, are
                                                                                        “Type B packages” are
                                   used for transport of
                                                                                        subjected to a stringent
                                   radioactive material of
                                                                                        approval procedure and
                                   activity not  exceeding
                                                                                        are required to fulfil the
                                   the  specified  limits  and
                                                                                        safety standards.
                                   need to be  registered
                                   with AERB.

           During the year, 2 Type A packages were registered and approval issued to 4 Type B(U)/B(M) Packages

                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
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