Page 38 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 38

Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Safety

          The disposal of radioactive wastes is governed by the Atomic Energy (Safe Disposal of Radioactive Wastes)
          Rules, 1987 promulgated under the Atomic Energy Act, 1962.
          The rules require that for disposal of any radioactive waste, an authorization has to be obtained from AERB.
          The  radioactive wastes  can be disposed/transferred  only in accordance with the terms  and conditions
          specified in this authorization.
          Further regulations for safe management of radioactive wastes are laid down in the Safety Code on Management
          of Radioactive Waste. AERB has prepared various Guides on radioactive waste management which provide
          guidance on implementation of the regulatory requirements of the Safety Code.

           DAE Facilities Authorized for Disposal/Transfer of
           Radioactive Waste
           Name of DAE Organisation                  No. of Facilities   Validity of  Authorisation  for  Safe
                                                                         Disposal / Transfer of Radioactive
           Uranium Corporation of India Limited           11             Wastes for DAE  Facilities  has been
                                                                         changed  from  fixed  term  of  5  years
           Indian Rare Earth Limited                       1
                                                                         and is linked with validity of operating
           Nuclear Fuel Complex                            6             licence.
                                                                         Accordingly,  Authorisation for waste
           NPCIL                                          14
                                                                         disposal  was issued  to  NPPs  viz.
           IGCAR + SRI(AERB)                               5             RAPS-1&2, KAPS-1&2; Mohuldih Mine
                                                                         & Tummalapalle  Mill  of UCIL  and
           Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology        4*             RAPPCOF, BRIT during the year.
           Technology Demonstration Plant                  1

          *LBL, JONAKI, BRIT is exempted from waste authorisation

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