Page 36 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 36

Safety Surveillance

          Regulatory Inspection

          Regulatory  inspections  are  carried  out to  ensure  compliance with AERB regulatory  requirements  and
          consenting conditions.
          Inspections are carried out periodically as well as in special circumstances.  AERB also conducts unannounced
          inspections, to observe the actual state of the facility and the way in which it is being operated and maintained.

                 Rawatbhata    AERB has posted site observer
                               teams (SOT) at four NPP sites,
                 Kalpakkam     which  led to establishment
            SOT   Kakrapar     of   continuous    regulatory
                               presence at  twelve operating,
                 Kudankulam    two under commissioning and
                               five under construction NPPs.

             Regulatory Inspections of Nuclear and Radiation
                   Type of Facility        No. of Inspections

           Nuclear Power Projects and Fuel
           Cycle Facilities under Construction    27
           & Commissioning
           Operating NPPs and Research
           Fuel Cycle Facilities, R&D Units
           and Industrial Plants of DAE
           Radiation Facilities                  1038

                                 AERB  follows a graded  approach during  regulatory                  Red
                                 inspections. The reported deviations observed during RI are
                                 categorised in the increasing order of safety significance.   Safety   Significance  Orange
                                 White indicates deviations of very low safety significance,          Grey
                                 whereas Red indicates high safety significance.

                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
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