Page 37 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 37

Special Inspections                                  KGS-1 & 2 and NAPS-1during Biennial Shutdown

                                                                   to cover radiological safety aspects.
           KKNPP-1&2  site inspected  in view of  media
                                                               KGS-1 & TAPS-3 to cover the Integrated Leak Rate
               reports on cyberattack on computer systems.
                                                                   Test (ILRT) of Reactor building containment.
           Unannounced inspections of NPPs viz. TAPS-         As a vendor inspection programme, carried out
               1&2, NAPS-1&2 and KGS-1&2 to cover operation        special RI of NFC, Hyderabad and NPC Regional
               and surveillance activities.                        QA office at Hyderabad.

           GHAVP and KGS-1&2  to assess  the nature of        Inspected UCIL mines viz. Jaduguda and Bhatin
               safety measures after fatal accident.               to cover radiological safety aspects.

                                       Post-RI meeting between AERB and NPCIL Officials
          Inspection of NPCIL Headquarter                     for the responsible organisation in the AERB safety
                                                              codes for design, construction and operation of NPPs.
          AERB carried out NPCIL HQ inspection in 2017, the   The implementation of QA programme applicable to
          follow-up  inspection was carried  out  by AERB  to   the activities of NPCIL HQ was also verified during
          verify the compliance to the requirements prescribed   this inspection.

            AERB  officers  carried  out  hand-holding  inspections-cum-training  along  with  staff  of  Directorate  of
            Radiation Safety, Andhra Pradesh and familiarized them with the RI process and inspection methodology.

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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