Page 33 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 33

Assessment of  Excessive Exposure Cases for
          Radiation Facilities                                                          Analysis shows that
                                                                                        around 90% of the
          Radiation dose  to  worker  in excess  of  regulatory  constraint of  10  mSv in   reported  cases are
          a  monitoring  period  is communicated to respective user institution  for    from medical X-ray
          investigation. Such investigation reports are reviewed by AERB through multi-  practice  and out of
          tier review, for not only assigning the dose to the worker but also to initiate   which  95%  cases
          regulatory actions to prevent such recurrences.                               are found to be non-
                                                                                        genuine,  where  the
          In the recent past, a large number of excessive exposure cases got accumulated
          for  final  resolution  due  to  various  reasons.  Several  steps  were  initiated  by   persons were not
                                                                                        actually  exposed to
          AERB, such as constitution of an In-House Review Group (IHRG) for resolution   the reported radiation
          of excessive exposure cases, revision of procedure of assessment of excessive   dose.
          exposure cases, spreading awareness to the workers about proper use of TLD
          and safe work practice. With this multipronged approach not only the number
          of reported cases were reduced but also the reported cases were expeditiously
          resolved to avoid further accumulation in future.

                                          Awareness Posters on Proper Storage of TLD

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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