Page 35 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 35

Safety Surveillance

          Enforcement Actions

          AERB may initiate enforcement actions, if in its opinion the licensee has violated the conditions of the licence,
          after  specifying the reasons for  such actions. The  enforcement actions may include one or  more of  the
            A written directive for    Written directive to    Orders to    Modification,       Initiate legal 
           satisfactory rectification of   applicant/licensee   curtail or   suspension or    proceedings under
           the deficiency or deviation   for improvement within a   stop activity  revocation of   provisions of the Atomic
           detected during inspection  reasonable timeframe                    licence        Energy Act, 1962.

          Enforcement               in        Diagnostic
          Radiology (X-ray) Facilities

          As part  of  the nation-wide  campaign  to ensure
          increased compliance  and regulatory  coverage  of                        Seal
          medical  diagnostic X-ray equipment,  AERB  continued
          the unannounced inspections programme and carried                       Warning
          out inspections  of facilities in four states in North-
                                                                                  for Seal
          Eastern  region viz.  Manipur, Assam, Meghalaya and
          Nagaland during September 2019. Total 11 equipment
          were ‘Sealed’ and issued ‘Warning for Seal’ to 91 X-ray         Recommendations
          for violation of major safety & regulatory requirements.

           Information on such inspections is shared with local print media and television media to spread awareness
           among the users on radiation safety




          Enforcement in Radiation Facilities  Enforcement in NPP

          Warning Letter  was issued to licensee of well
                                                              Stopped all  construction activities  at  KKNPP-3 to
          logging  institution  due to loss of source during
                                                              6 following an accident of serious nature occurred
                                                              at Fabrication Shop of KKNPP-3&4 where left hand
          Show-cause notice was issued to two nucleonic       of the victim (an operator with the contractor) got
          gauge   institutions  on   regulatory  violations   entangled in a drilling machine while cleaning the
          committed by the institution resulted in loss of    drilling chips.
          radioactive sources.
          Suspended operation of two industrial radiography
          devices at Agra and Rajkot site for a period of three
          months, for storage/use of radiography devices  at
          unapproved/unauthorised sites.

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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