Page 32 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 32

Facilities using Sealed and Unsealed Sources

          Though sealed radioactive sources are used in various industrial and medical applications, but here sealed
          source means those used in education, research and calibration purposes. Unsealed sources are also used in
          various research and academic institutions such as agriculture research, veterinary science, tracer studies.
          The activity range is from kBq to GBq. They are of low-to-moderate radiation hazard potential.

          Following table provides the details of consents issued for Consumer Products and Research Applications
          Facilities during the year.
           Type of Consent                       Consumer Goods     Container
                                                                                  Research Facilities  (Sealed and
                                                       Manufacturing   / Baggage
                                                                                        Unsealed Sources)
                                                    Facilities       Scanner
                                          No. of Facilities/
                                                       25             22 (26)             262 and 186
           Licence*                                    01               05                     ---
           Permission for Procurement of
                                                       ---              ---                   357
           Radioactive Sources
           Type Approval (Equipment)                   ---              72                     ---

          *Licence includes Licence / Authorisation / Registration for various radiation facilities.

              BRIT has indigenously developed Ru-106 eye plaque for brachytherapy treatment of eye cancers.
              Based on review AERB issued approval of Classification Designation to Ru-106 eye plaque.

                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
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