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Chairman, AERB and Executive Director, AERB addressing the participants of Training Course on Cyber Security

           ‘Fundamentals  of Computer Security’ was conducted  2019  for middle  level officers of AERB (SO/E) and
           for AERB  officers during  August  5-9, 2019  at AERB.  Administration personnel on ‘Management Development
           The objective was to impart a baseline knowledge to the  Programme (MDP) at Yashwantrao Chavan Academy
           participants which is essential for conducting review and   of Development  Administration  (YASHADA), Pune.
           inspection of computer security aspects. The course is   Total 90 officers participated in the programme.
           first-of-a-kind, designed and delivered by AERB.
                                                                     One more MDP
           (viii)  Awareness Programme on Integrated             was        organised   Till  December 2019,  total
                 Management System  (IMS)                        during    December,    212  officers have been
                                                                 2019    for   middle   trained in MDP through 8
               An interactive awareness programme on IMS was  level  officers (SO/D)    batches
           organised for the staff of AERB on August 06, 2019.  and     administration
           The lectures on various topics such as (i) An Overview  personnel  of  AERB.
           of IMS of AERB; (ii) Leadership and Management for  Total 25  officers participated  in this programme.  The
           Safety and (iii) Introduction to IMS Documents (Level I,  topics included time and stress management, governance
           II and III) were delivered by AERB officers.          through management,  effective communication  skills,
                                                                 motivation, meetings and report  writing skills,  code
           (ix) Management Development Programme (MDP)           of ethics, human  factor engineering,  self-assessment
               Five days residential  training  programme  was   and  SWOT Analysis, Leadership  skills and  Lateral  &
           conducted  in three batches during  February to April   Creative thinking.

              Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman AERB (second
             from left) inaugurating the MDP at YASHADA, Pune  Chairman, AERB; Faculty and Participants of MDP at YASHADA, Pune

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