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11.6  KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT                            has gone up to 10603. In addition, 17 Journals were
                                                              subscribed during the period. Reference and information
        11.6.1  Knowledge Portal                              services were provided to the users and visitors of the
                                                              Library. World Nuclear News, IAEA Weekly News,
            A ‘Knowledge Portal’ is functional on the internal  NEA News Bulletin etc., were circulated in digital form
        website of AERB, as part of knowledge  preservation  regularly  by sending  e-mails  to AERB staff. Table of
        and easy retrieval  of information. Training/Refresher   Contents of new issues of important journals of AERB’s
        course/Teaching material, proceedings  of  Conferences   subject interest were also circulated regularly by email
        and Seminars,  etc. were included  in the portal at   alerts.
        regular intervals. AERB Codes/Guides/Manuals are also                      AERB Library
        available on the portal.
                                                                                10603 : Collection of Publications
        11.6.2 Scientific Information Cell

            A well-equipped scientific information cell (Library)               42 : Publications uploaded in KMS
        is maintained in AERB. During the year, 42 publications
        were uploaded in Knowledge Management  System
        (KMS). The  total collection  of publications  in library               17 : Journals Subscribed


        11.7.1 Higher Qualification

        The following AERB officers acquired higher qualifications during the year:

               Shri   Santosh   Kumar               Shri  Raj  B.  Solanki,             Shri  Bibekananda  Mishra,
            Pradhan, SO/G,  NSAD has            SO(G), R&DD has been                SO(E), RSD, AERB has been
            been  awarded Doctor of             awarded  Ph. D degree from          awarded Ph.D.  degree from
            Philosophy  (Ph. D.) degree         Indian Institute  of  Technology    Tata Memorial  Centre under
            from   Indian  Institute  of        Bombay, Mumbai for his thesis       Homi     Bhabha     National
            Technology  (IIT)  Bombay,          titled ‘Reliability Assessment      Institute  (HBNI),  Mumbai
            Mumbai   for his thesis titled      of Passive Safety Systems in        for his thesis titled ‘Study of
            ‘Coupled Neutronics Thermal-        Nuclear Power  Plants’ in the       Dosimetric Characteristics of a
            Hydraulics Safety Analysis of       57th  Convocation ceremony          Flattening  Filter Free Medical
            Large Nuclear Power Reactors’       held on August 10, 2019.            Accelerator for its Clinical Use’
            in the 57th   Convocation                                               on September 5, 2019.
            ceremony  held on August 10,

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  133
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