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            No                      Topic                            Date               Speaker and Affiliation
             1   Leadership and Management for Safety         January 4, 2019      Shri D. K. Shukla, Executive Director,
             2   Lessons Learned from event of Pressure Tube leak  February 1, 2019  Shri Anup Prabhakaran &
                 at KAPS-1                                                         Shri Devendra Upadhyay, OPSD
             3   Radiation Shielding of Medical Installations  February 1, 2019    Dr. G. Sahani, RSD
             4   Feedback on CNSC-IAEA Technical Workshop on  March 8, 2019        Shri Sameer Hajela, NPCIL
                 CANDU/ PHWR Accident Prognosis
             5   Updates and Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi    March 8, 2019  Shri Ritu Raj and
                 Accident                                                          Shri Jaydeb Mandal, DRP&E
             6   Safety Reviews: Post Fukushima Accident and   April 2019          Smt. Sonal Gandhi and
                 Status of Implementation of Safety Upgrades                       Shri Neeraj Kumar, OPSD
             7   Radiological Safety & Nuclear and Radiological   May 2019         Dr. K.S. Pradeepkumar, AD, HS&EG,
                 Emergencies: Concerns & Facts                                     and Head, RSSD, BARC
             8   Knowledge Management - A Key to Sustainable   June 2019           Shri Rakesh Kumar, R&DD
             9   Computational Methods - Application in Nuclear   June 2019        Dr. Debabrata Datta, Head, RPAD,
                 Sciences & Engineering                                            BARC & Professor, HBNI
             10  The accident at Tokaimura’ covering          July 12, 2019        Shri Basuki Baral,
                 (i)   Description and Progression of Event                        Shri Nishikant Tyagi, and
                 (ii) Health Effects of the Accidents, and                         Shri Ritu Raj,  DRP&E
                 (iii) Emergency Preparedness Aspects of the
             11  Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage Act, 2010  August 09, 2019     Dr. K.L. Ramakumar, Former Director,
                                                                                   Radiochemistry & Isotope Group,
                                                                                   BARC and Former Head, Nuclear
                                                                                   Controls & Planning Wing, DAE
             12  Accident Tolerant Fuel                       September 20, 2019   Shri Avinash Gaikwad, Head, NSAD
             13  Geotechnical Safety of Nuclear Facilities    September 20, 2019   Shri Somnath Jha, NPSD
             14  Radiological Safety in Public domain dealing with   October 24, 2019  Shri Rajoo Kumar, R&DD
                 Mayapuri, scrap contamination
             15  Statute of the IAEA and its Functioning      October 24, 2019     Shri Deepak Ojha, DRA&C
             16  Core Reactivity Control in 700 MWe Pressurized   November 27, 2019  Smt Bharati Ingavale,  NPSD
                 Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR)
             17  BSM Facilities in India & its Regulatory Challenges November 27, 2019  Smt. Pammy Goswami, OPSD
             18  Nuclear Design of NPPs: Concepts, Characteristics  December 20, 2019  Dr. Obaidurrahman K, NSARG
                 and Regulations

                 Speakers (L to R) Dr. K. L. Ramakumar, Dr. A. R. Sundararajan and Shri Avinash Gaikwad delivering talks in AERB colloquia

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