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e-Office was also carried out. The KMS folder structure  made.  The  application  development/modifications  of
        was configured as recommended  by the Record  and  RTI and Parliamentary question-answers status review
        Information Management Procedure (RIMP) of AERB.  System are in progress to suit the user requirements.
        The documents are being populated  into this folder  The first version of the web based application  for a
        structure as per  the  established  procedure using  a  single cum multi-user quiz was developed and used on
        document submission form.                             the Independence-day Quiz Programme at AERB.

            A design for Electronic Document and Record  (v) Performance Improvement of e-LORA Portal
        Management  System (EDRMS) was  developed  and a
        formal proposal was made after discussion with vendors.   The number  of users and institutes accessing
        The same has been approved by AERB management.        e-Licensing Radiation  Application  (e-LORA) portal
        Several  options were explored. Currently the e-Office   are growing fast consequent to increase in radiation
        KMS is in use as a short term measure to meet the     application  facilities  in  the  country. To ensure system
        immediate  need  for EDRMS. Options for long  term    availability even during the failure of one of the leased
        solution for EDRMS are under consideration.           lines and improve the system performance, the Link
                                                              Load Balancing (LLB) devices have been implemented.
            An  open-source software application  for ‘Service  Consequent to the audit carried out by the DAE-CISAG
        Request Management’ was configured and implemented  audit team, the OS and the application framework were
        on  the  intranet  server for ease  of managing  all  kinds  upgraded/updated.
        of maintenance  related  complaints.  The  scope  of this
        facility has been improved  to cater to more types of  11.3.2  Construction/Modification  at  AERB  HQ  and
        requests. IT service requests are attended on receipt of     Regional Centres
        direct requests from the users through this system.
                                                                  Construction  of Niyamak  Bhavan-C  building  at
            The Employees Attendance Management software  AERB HQ has started after obtaining tree clearance from
        application  was further  enhanced  to suit the  detailed  the State authorities. Bhoomi Poojan of new building
        information requirement of AERB.                      was performed on  September  11, 2019.  Internal
                                                              upgradation work is in progress w.r.t. Auditorium, Board
            Modifications  including  debugging  were carried   Room and other meeting rooms at of Niyamak Bhavan
        out to suit requirements in the pre-developed software   A&B.
        applications  viz. Payroll  Software and Corporate
        Human  Assets and  Resources Management  System           With a view to decentralise its regulatory activities,
        (CHARMS) for on-line Annual Performance Appraisal  AERB has established Regional  Regulatory Centres
        Report (APAR).                                        (RRC) at New Delhi, Kolkata and Chennai.  The progress
                                                              of work is as follows:
            With the help of Computer  Division of BARC,
        AERB developed recruitment portal supporting AERB  •  Southern Regional Regulatory Centre (SRRC) has
        in screening of the applicants. The same was configured,   been functioning at new building since November
        maintained  and  used successfully for obtaining          2018.   Fire alarm system has been  installed  and
        applications for the post of SO(G) and SO(F).             procurement of furniture is in progress.

        (iv) Development      of     In-house     Software    •  Eastern Regional  Regulatory Centre (ERRC),
            Applications                                          Kolkata building construction is in advance stage of
            AERB has started in-house development of software
        applications  for online  management  of ‘Nomination  •  DAE has initiated action w.r.t. construction of DAE
        and  Deputation  including  Training’  and  ‘Regulatory   complex at Sector 9,  Dwarka, New Delhi which
        and Safety Documents’. Improvements of the in-house       houses Northern Regional  Regulatory Centre
        developed  intranet  web-application  programs for        (NRRC) of AERB.
        ‘Safety Research Projects’  status review system were

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