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11.2  IMPLEMENTATION  OF  PERSONS  WITH               intrusion detection and prevention systems. AERB has

                DISABILITIES (EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES,               also configured the network load balancing features to
                                                                 improve the availability of the internet connectivity. The
                PROTECTION  OF RIGHTS AND  FULL  domain name servers were reconfigured to harden the
                PARTICIPATION)         ACT,     1995     AND     DNS services. The web servers were also updated and
                RESERVATION POLICY FOR SC / TRIBE /              hardened to improve the OS and software framework
                                                                 security aspects. Changes in email gateway servers were
                OBC                                              implemented to save the domain from email spoofing
                                                                 attempts. This was done to achieve the Domain based
               There is one backlog vacancy  in  ‘Person  with   Message  Authentication,  Reporting  and  Conformance
           Disabilities Quota’ due to resignation of Lower Division   (DMARC)  with Sender  Policy Framework  (SPF) and
           Clerk (LDC) on July 31, 2017. Rosters are maintained   Domain Key Identified Mail (DKIM). Several Standard
           as per the orders on the subject. The backlog vacancies   Operating  Procedures were developed  or updated
           are being worked out and efforts to fill up the backlog   to improve  and ease the IT services and resource
           vacancies were in progress.                           management activities.

           11.3 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT                       (ii) AERB Website

           11.3.1  Information Technology (IT)                      AERB maintains  its website ( as
                                                                 a user-friendly  platform for dissemination  of  people-
               The effectiveness  of the organisation  in modern  centric information  towards meeting  its objectives of
           times essentially depends on the smooth functioning of  enhancing  transparency and  public  outreach. Web-
           the IT infrastructure and services. Towards maintaining  information  management  process ensures that the
           information technology resources in normal operating  website remains rich in content from technical as well as
           state and upgrading  the same periodically  to deploy  public interest point of view.
           latest available  technologies,  AERB has taken several
           steps. These include the following:                      Most of the publications made by AERB are made
                                                                 available  free on its website. The information  on
           (i) IT Infrastructure and Services                    registered facilities, type approved equipment,  licence
                                                                 validity, regulatory inspections carried out, occupational
              AERB has used the video conferencing  facilities   exposures,  significant events  etc.  are provided  on
           installed last year more frequently to interact with its   the website  and updated periodically.  There exists  a
           satellite office at SRI through the dedicated leased line   helpdesk maintained for improvement of services to the
           service. AERB has also conducted video conferencing   users, obtaining feedbacks from users and  providing
           through ANUNET with many DAE units such as IGCAR,     solutions as necessary.
           VECC, HWB. The video conferencing facility has also
           been used over public internet for connecting IREL and   In order to enhance  radiation  safety awareness,
           many NPCIL units such as KKNPP and Kakrapar NPP.  AERB  developed  and  uploaded  video  for ‘Personnel
           Thus IT  service has reduced unnecessary travels and  Working in Diagnostic Radiology’ and ‘Radiation Safety
           cost of holding meetings with personnel  from remote  in Fluoroscopy’. Similarly, a video on ‘Construction
           locations.                                            Safety - Hazards and  Safety Barriers’ was developed
                                                                 and uploaded.
              In order to check and enhance the IT security systems,
           AERB hosted the DAE-CISAG audit team to facilitate the  (iii)   Implementation of e-Office
           IT security audit of the network and servers. AERB has
           implemented most of the changes recommended by the       The e-office has been implemented in AERB with
           CISAG audit team. Subsequently AERB has procured      the help of National  Informatics Centre (NIC). The
           latest software for scanning and detecting vulnerabilities   modules of File Management  System, Knowledge
           of the server software and associated configurable    Management  System (KMS) and  Leave  Management
           features. AERB has procured and deployed the latest   System (LMS) have  been made  operational  and  put
           network perimeter  security devices to modernize the   in regular use. The upgradation to the latest version of

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