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           11          INFRASTRUCTURE

        11.1 MANPOWER AUGMENTATION                            284 Scientific and Technical and 58 supporting staff of
                                                              Administration / Accounts / Auxiliary. During the year,
            AERB’s manpower is being augmented at various  AERB recruited 12 personnel, of which 5 officials were
        levels  and  through  various  channels  in  view of the  recruited through BARC and IGCAR Training Schools
        expanding  nuclear  power  programme  and  increasing  and  6 officials through
        number of radiation facilities in the country. This is being  AGFS in the grade
        done through fresh recruitments, transfer of experienced  of  Scientific  Officer
        personnel  from operating  plants  and  R&D institutes  (C).  One  officer  was
        like BARC and IGCAR and induction of postgraduates  recruited  through  open
        through AERB Graduate Fellowship Scheme (AGFS) in  advertisement in the
        IIT Bombay and IIT Madras.                            grade of Scientific Officer
                                                              (G).  The  manpower
            Total sanctioned strength in AERB as on December   status is as follows:
        31, 2019 was 468. In-position strength is 342 comprising

                                387                                                 284

                 468            Scientific & Technical                342           Scientific &Technical

                                81                                                  58
                                supporting staff of                                 supporting staff of
                                Administration /                                    Administration /
          Sanctioned Strength   Accounts                       In Position Strength  Accounts

                                              12           Scientific &Technical


                                                           Training School (5),
                                                           AGFS (6) & Direct
                                                           Recruitment (1)
                                      Personnel Recruited
                                        during the year

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  125
   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155   156   157   158