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Participants of AERB-STUK Bilateral Meeting

        10.3 BILATERAL INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION              cooperation in the areas of mutual interest. As a part
                                                              of the meeting, STUK delegation  also visited Tarapur
        10.3.1 Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC)          Atomic Power Station-3&4.

            The Director General  and Director of Ghana       10.3.3  Support to Regulatory Authority of Mauritius
        Atomic Energy Commission visited AERB on January
        28, 2019. GAEC delegation was briefed about Indian        AERB provided assistance to Radiation Safety and
        nuclear regulatory infrastructure and AERB’s regulatory   Nuclear  Security Authority (RSNSA), the regulatory
        oversight  for nuclear  and  radiation  facilities.  Ghana   authority of Mauritius, in the review and assessment of
        delegation  also shared their plan  for nuclear  power   layout design of the proposed radiotherapy and nuclear
        programme  and safety aspects being  considered for   medicine  facilities  at New Cancer  Hospital  (NCH),
        finalising the NPP.                                   Solferino, Mauritius. AERB reviewed  the layout  plans
                                                              for installation of radiotherapy equipment (Accelerators,
        10.3.2 Bilateral Meeting between AERB and STUK,  Cyber-knife  unit,  HDR Brachytherapy, CT  Simulator)
               Finland                                        and nuclear medicine equipment (SPECT-CT & PET-
                                                              CT machines) from radiation  safety  viewpoint and
            A bilateral meeting between AERB and STUK, the    provided the assessment report and recommendations
        nuclear regulatory body of  Finland  was  held during   to RSNSA.
        November 18-20, 2019  at AERB, Mumbai.  A four
        member delegation from STUK was led by its Director   10.4  PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL
        General, Mr. Petteri Tiippana. AERB delegation was led      COMMITTEES
        by Chairman, AERB, Shri G. Nageswara Rao and the
        technical sessions were led by Executive Director, AERB,   AERB  has been  actively  involved  with various
        Shri D.K. Shukla. Experts from BARC were also invited   international bodies for exchange of information and in
        to make presentations on technical topics. Experience   co-operation in the field of regulation of nuclear activities
        with regulatory review of VVER and EPR type of nuclear   for peaceful purposes. AERB experts have been actively
        reactors, regulation in application of radiation sources,   participating in various activities of IAEA and have been
        regulation  and  national  practices in radioactive waste   contributing at various other international fora. AERB is
        management were discussed during the meeting. The     the national coordinator for IAEA- International Nuclear
        exchange of views was mutually beneficial. AERB and   and Radiological Event Scale (INES) based reporting of
        STUK expressed their willingness to carry forward the   events and IAEA/NEA - Incident Reporting System (IRS)

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