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Procedure,  Modelling  of  Emergency Mitigating  organisations to perform investigations and research to
        Equipment and Severe Accident Management Guidelines  enhance the safety and economic cooperation in VVER
        actions, Uncertainty / Sensitivity/ importance analyses  type reactors.
        methods and End states definition and Release category
        definitions. Computer code(s) used for simulation of the  10.2.2 IRRS Mission
        severe accident sequences and  Off-Site Consequence       The  IAEA  Integrated  Regulatory Review  Service
                                                              (IRRS)  is designed  to strengthen  and  enhance  the
            The position papers on Plant Damage  States for   effectiveness of the national regulatory infrastructure of
        Level-2 PSA and Offsite Consequence  Analysis were    the States (Countries) for nuclear, radiation, radioactive
        prepared  based on  responses  from CPWG  member      waste  and transport  safety.  The intention  is  to peer-
        countries. AERB officials contributed in the preparation   review the regulatory framework of the host country
        of IAEA TECDOC on ‘Level-2 PSA Practices for Nuclear   so as to make it a robust regulatory body with respect
        Power Plants with CANDU Type Reactors’.               to all  its regulated  facilities  and  activities. The  review
                                                              is  carried out against the IAEA Safety Standards and
        10.1.4  IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on  Requirements.
               Multi-unit PSA
                                                              (i)  AERB to Host IRRS Follow-up Mission
            The 2  Research Coordination Meeting under the
                                                                  Government  of India  has  made  a request to
        IAEA CRP on PSA Benchmark for Multi-Unit/Multi-       International  Atomic Energy  Agency  (IAEA)  to
        Reactor sites  was  held at  IAEA, Vienna during June   undertake an IRRS follow up mission for peer review of
        18-21, 2019 with an  objective to share information   India’s regulatory framework for nuclear and radiation
        and obtain feedback on the methodology of multi-unit
        PSA developed and demonstrated  with a benchmark      safety. Based on the request, the IAEA has scheduled
        site by each member state. AERB expert contributed in   IRRS follow up mission around November 2020, with
                                                              the preparatory meeting  in June  2020.  Earlier  AERB
        reporting the following activities accomplished as part of   hosted the IRRS Mission, the first ever international peer
        the first-year progress:
                                                              review of AERB by a team of IAEA during March 16-
        •  Multi-unit  PSA model incorporating  dependencies   27, 2015 for peer review of India’s legal and regulatory
            in an integrated manner                           framework for safety regulation of nuclear power plants
                                                              and projects. For the follow-up mission, India requested
        •  Identification of Multi-unit initiating events     IAEA to extend the scope by including the ‘Radiation
                                                              Source Facilities and Activities’ as an additional area of
        •  Amalgamation of event sequences of multi-units in   review.
            single event tree
                                                              (ii) Participation  in  IRRS  Mission of other
        •  Modelling of event tree sequences of each unit into    Countries
            multi-unit sequences.
                                                                  One AERB officer participated as member of IAEA
        10.2 MULTILATERAL INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION           IRRS mission of the United Kingdom (UK) conducted

                                                              during October 13- 25,  2019.  The team comprised

        10.2.1 AERB Joined as Member of AER, Hungary          of 18 members from different countries and IAEA, to
            AERB  joined the  Atomic Energy  Research         review various aspects of regulatory functions of the
        (AER),  Hungary as member organisation.  AER  is an   host country.
        international community of researchers, engineers and     AERB expert  reviewed the core IRRS  Modules
        operators from countries running the VVER type nuclear   comprising of Safety Review, Authorisations, Regulatory
        reactors (the  type  of reactors in  Kudankulam).  The   Inspections,  Safety Documents and  Enforcement  in
        objective of AER is to promote information exchange   the domain of Exposures to Public. The scope of the
        among VVER  utility staff, Designers, R&D institutes   mission covered both Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities and
        and Safety authorities. The AER also assists its member   radiation sources.

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