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Cooperation’ held  at The  Hague,  The  Netherlands  10.1.3  CANDU  Probabilistic  Safety  Assessment
           during November 4-7, 2019. Around 240 participants            (PSA) Working Group
           from various countries participated in the Conference
           including 7 from India. This was the fifth conference in   CANDU PSA Working Group (CPWG) organized a
           its series and the first one with extended scope to include  technical meeting at Vienna, Austria during September
           regulatory systems for radiation applications also. The  30 to October 4, 2019. The objective of CPWG is to
           objective of the conference was to share regulatory  serve as an international  forum to support regulatory
           experiences  related  to improving  the effectiveness of  authorities, utilities and designer in their respective area
           nuclear  and radiation  regulatory systems,  taking into  of PSA, to harmonize regulatory approaches on the use
           account the outcomes of the past conferences in this  of PSA, to exchange information on national practices,
           series with primary focus on how to work together to  PSA models  and  tools, regulatory review of CANDU
           address cross-cutting regulatory areas.               member states and exchange of results of regulatory
                                                                 review, internal guidelines for use and review of PSA
              The Indian delegation made an impactful impression   and  to produce  technical  reports on  selected  topics
           and  the key issues emphasised by Indian  delegation   related to CANDU / PHWR NPPs.
           as part of invited talks and remarks by Session Chairs
           and Co-chairs were noted for inclusion in the summary    AERB officials submitted responses to questionnaires
           report of the Conference.                             mainly  on  Level-2  PSA w.r.t. Plant  Damage  States-

                     Executive Director, AERB as part of the Panel Discussion on Leadership and Management for Safety and Security

             Executive Director, AERB making presentation in Conference       Indian Delegation in Conference

              Glimpses of International Conference on ‘Effective Nuclear and Radiation Regulatory Systems’

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