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            India is signatory to several international
        conventions related to nuclear safety and security such
        as  Convention  on Nuclear Safety (CNS), Convention
        on  Physical Protection  of Nuclear  Material  and  its
        2005  Amendment, Convention on Assistance in the
        case of Nuclear Damage and Radiological Emergency,
        Convention  on early notification of  nuclear accident
        etc. India is also committed to implement the provisions
        of Code of Conduct on safety of research reactors and
        code on safety and security of radioactive  sources.
        AERB is obliged to fulfil the responsibilities assigned to
        it under these instruments. AERB actively participates
        and  contributes  in several  multi-lateral  international
        platforms working for promotion  of nuclear  and
        radiological safety.

            AERB  also has bilateral  cooperation  arrangement
        with the regulatory bodies of other  countries  for
        information  exchange  and  experience  sharing  related
        to regulation  of nuclear  and  radiation  safety. AERB
        has bilateral arrangements with the nuclear regulatory
        authorities  of France,  Russia, Romania,  Ukraine,  the
        United States of America, Finland, Canada, Bangladesh
        and the United Kingdom. AERB also has an agreement
        with IRSN, which is a Technical Support Organisation
        in France. Some of the important activities undertaken   Shri. G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman AERB, during interaction
        under the multilateral  and bilateral international      with Dy. Director General, IAEA on the sidelines of General
        cooperation activities during the year are brought out in                   Conference
        following paras.                                          Shri Rao attended the Senior Safety and Security
                                                              Regulators Meeting on September 19, 2019. Sessions
        10.1 STRENGTHENING  NUCLEAR SAFETY AND  were held  on ‘Managing  Regulatory Competence  for
               SECURITY                                       Nuclear Safety and Nuclear Security’ to obtain Member
                                                              States’ perspectives and on ‘Application of the Concept
        10.1.1 IAEA General Conference                        of Graded approach in Core Regulatory Functions’.

            Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman, AERB attended    10.1.2  Conference  on  ‘Effective  Nuclear  and
        the 63  Regular Session of the IAEA General Conference        Radiation Regulatory Systems’
        and the Senior Safety and Security Regulators’ Meeting
        held during September 16 - 20, 2019 at Vienna, Austria.   IAEA in cooperation with the European Commission/
        The delegation was led by Shri K. N. Vyas, Secretary,  Joint Research Centre organised  an International
        DAE and Chairman, Atomic Energy  Commission  Conference on ‘Effective Nuclear  and Radiation
        (AEC), GOI.                                           Regulatory Systems:  Working Together to Enhance

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