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10.2.3 Indian National Report to 8  CNS               CNS on August 15, 2019. The report narrates India’s
                                                                 position and actions undertaken during the past three
               India is a Contracting                            years towards the fulfilment of its obligations under the
           Party to the Convention                               convention. Indian Report was reviewed by Contracting
           on Nuclear Safety (CNS)                               Parties,  on AERB which received total 116  questions
           and  actively  participates                           and provided answers to all these questions within the
           in its activities towards                             stipulated time.
           fulfilling  the obligations
           of the convention.  The                                  AERB has reviewed the CNS national reports
           convention    aims    to                              of other contracting parties  of CNS and posted the
           commit      participating                             questions as per the CNS calendar.
           countries operating land-
           based civil nuclear power                                CNS peer  review framework requires conduct of
           plants to maintain a high                             an Officers Turnover Meeting  as an important step
           level  of safety by setting                           towards imparting training to the representative of the
           international benchmarks                              participating  Contracting Parties. The same was held
           to which the countries                                during  March 1-3, 2019  and  attended  by a senior
           would subscribe. Pursuant to this, India has already   officer from AERB. The 8  Review Meeting of the CNS
           submitted its National Report for 8  Review Meeting of   is planned during March, 2020.
                                                                 10.2.4  NEA/MDEP Activities

                                                                    AERB continued to coordinate the activities related
                                                                 to India’s participation in the Nuclear Energy Agency
                                                                 (NEA) of Organisation  for Economic Cooperation
                                                                 and Development (OECD). During the period, AERB
                                                                 experts contributed in the following programmes:
                                                                 •  Two officers worked on Recombiner Performance
                                                                    and Hydrogen  Combustion  related studies at
                                                                    Becker  Technologies,  Germany  as part of OECD/
                                                                    NEA THAI-3 project.

                                                                 •  AERB officer participated and contributed in 20 th
                                                                    meeting of AP1000 WG of MDEP in USA, during
              Shri D. K. Shukla, ED, AERB, Shri S. K. Ghosh, Head, DRI   December 10-13, 2019.
             and Shri S. Harikumar in IAEA-CNS officers’ turnover meeting

                                            Chairman, AERB interacting with GAEC Delegation

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