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Fig. 7.24 (c)&(d) : Residual Hoop Stress across the Thickness for (c) Isotropic Material Model and (d) Anisotropic Material
                             Model for different internal Pressure

               Therefore, an experimental program  to evaluate  (ABAQUS) for fitness assessment of NPP components
           the parameters for material model which accounts for  were brought out.
           anisotropy and cyclic behaviour for the Indian Pressure
           Tube specimen is initiated.  The gap areas are identified  7.9  SAFETY  STUDIES  TO  SUPPORT  REVIEW
           through in-depth study of available published data. This   AND ASSESSMENT
           program is in collaboration with NML, Jamshedpur.
                                                                 7.9.1 Benchmarking SSI Analysis of Lotung Quarter
           7.8.2 Evaluation of Fracture Mechanics Parameters         Scaled Containment Model
                using XFEM
                                                                    Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) is an important
               A benchmark was proposed  by OECD/NEA  to         aspect of structural engineering, especially for
           enable  a comparison  of XFEM  capability  of different   massive constructions, such as nuclear power plants,
           codes used in the nuclear industry. AERB participated   concrete and earth dams, on soft soils. To ensure
           in the benchmark. The principal objectives of the project   safety of NPP structures  of  deep soil sites,  detailed
           were to compare Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) obtained   analysis to capture the SSI phenomena realistically
           by classical FE method and analytical formulae to SIF   is needed. To have a detailed understanding of the
           obtained by X-FEM.                                    analytical approach for such analysis, a Standard

               Simulation  of  benchmark problems for  fracture   Problem Exercise (SPE) on SSI was conceived with
           mechanics parameters  K , K , K  for different type of   USNRC, using the seismic response data from SSI
           loadings  (mechanical,  thermal) was carried out using   experiments conducted on the scaled containment
           XFEM tool of ABAQUS.                                  model at Lotung, Taiwan. As the first task of the SPE,
                                                                 benchmarking SSI analysis of the Lotung quarter
              The FE model of semi elliptical underclad crack in  scale containment model was carried out in ACS
           the shell of the reactor pressure vessel is shown in (Fig.  SASSI, considering one case of horizontal East-
           7.25(a)). Sequential heat transfer and structural analyses  West shaking corresponding to the earthquake event
           were performed to  evaluate  SIF  values for  thermal  recorded on May 20, 1986. The response spectra at
           loading which corresponds to LOCA conditions in reactor  top and bottom of the containment, top and bottom
           pressure vessel. Fracture mechanics parameters like SIF,  of the steam generator has been compared with the
           J-integral etc. were evaluated and these were compared  recorded responses (Fig. 7.26). It was observed that
           with analytical solutions (RSE-M code) as shown in (Fig.  responses from the SSI analysis are generally in good
           7.25(b)). Overall capabilities and advantages of XFEM  agreement with the recorded motions.

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