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7.6.9  Experimental  Studies  of  Iodine  Behaviour  in
                Reactor Containment

               In order to minimize  the release of radioactivity
           to environment in the low probable postulated LOCA
           initiated  severe accident conditions,  it is essential
           to study  the  fission  products  behaviour. Iodine  is a
           major contributor to  the potential source  term  to  the
           environment.  Understanding its behaviour  inside  the
           containment and also in the environment is an essential
           prerequisite for arriving safety margins.

               To study the iodine behaviour in containment, lab
           scale experimental  setup was designed  at chemistry
           laboratory at SRI Kalpakkam. By this experimental setup
           iodine  interaction  with paint  and  iodine  adsorption   Fig.  7.21:  pH  Influence  on  Nitrate  removal  from  Aqueous
           properties on various adsorbents is being studied. The          Streams
           experimental  set  up was  installed and experimental
           parameters  were optimized.  Iodine  vapours  are  7.7 REACTOR PHYSICS STUDIES
           generated using re-sublimized iodine and vapours were
           passed through the reaction chamber by using argon as  7.7.1 Safety Review and Analysis of First Approach
           a carrier gas and scrubbed through potassium hydroxide     to Criticality of KAPP-3&4
                                                                    The KAPP-3&4 PHWR-700 MWe design utilizes
           7.6.10 Experimental Studies Pertaining to removal     various safety systems and features to meet the requisite
                  of Nitrate from Aqueous Stream                 safety requirements as brought out in AERB regulatory
                                                                 documents.  Calculations  were carried  out to study
               Waste water streams containing  nitrate are being  First Approach  to Criticality (FAC) of KAPP-3 using
           generated  at various  stages in nuclear  fuel cycle  independent core neutronics code system. The results
           operations.  These  aqueous streams are neutralized  like variation of effective neutron multiplication factor
           prior to either storage or biological treatment. Among  and reactivity due to draining of ZCCs, withdrawal of
           the different treatment  techniques,  denitrification  of  various reactivity devices and boron dilution  during
           waste stream using nano catalysts such as zero valent  FAC were calculated  and compared with the design
           iron  is a promising  alternative technique.  In-house  calculations as part of independent verification.
           synthesis, characterization and evaluation of zero-valent
           iron nanoparticles have been carried out. Nano sized  7.7.2 Safety Analysis of TAPS BWR Core using In-
           zero-valent  iron  particles (nZVI)  were synthesized  by   house Code
           chemical reduction method. Influence of experimental
           conditions  on  nitrate  removal  including  pH, catalyst   As a part of independent verification  of safety
           loading, effluent concentration, reaction time etc. was   analysis, reactor physics studies have been initiated
           systematically studied (Fig. 7.21).  Using the catalyst,   using in-house computer code VISWAM. Independent
           the nitrate present in the liquid waste is converted to   lattice physics calculations are carried  out for the
           innocuous products which can be easily disposed into   reload pattern 2  fuel. The lattice burn-up code has
           the environment. More than  90 % nitrate  removal     been used and salient results like the variation of the
           could be achieved  in 60  min using the synthesized   neutron multiplication factors (K  and K ) with burn-
           nanoparticles.                                        up,  different  fuel  temperature are calculated  for the
                                                                 lattice. Further, various reactivity effects due to change

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