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                                                                      1400                           T2
                                                                      1200                           T6
                                                                     Temperature (Deg C)  800        T12
                                                                                                     T15 (Melt)
                                                                                                     Furnace Spout
                                                                       12:00:00  13:00:00  14:00:00  15:00:00  16:00:00  17:00:00  18:00:00  19:00:00  20:00:00  21:00:00  22:00:00
         Fig. 7.19(a): Cut View of the Concrete Block after Experiment  Fig. 7.19(b): Variation of Temperature as Recorded by
                                                                            Different Thermocouples
        7.6.7 In-vessel Retention of Corium in Calandria  from corium, the experimental studies were initiated for
              Vessel of PHWRs                                 determination  of high temperature tensile and creep
                                                              properties and damage behaviour of calandria material
            Subsequent  to commissioning  of COre Melt  (SS304L).
        REtention  Facility  (COMREF),  experiments  were
        carried out to study the in-vessel retention capability   Tensile tests were carried out over the temperatures
        of calandria vessel in PHWRs. It was observed that the   ranging from 300 K to 1123 K for the nominal strain
                                                                                                    -5 -1
                                                                                      -4 -1
                                                                            -3 -1
        curved geometry like calandria will be able to dissipate   rates of 3×10 s , 3×10 s  and 3×10 s . Influence
        the decay heat from corium with high margin if there are   of temperature on the engineering stress-strain curves
                                                                                                              -5 -1
        no obstructions on its outer surface. It was also observed   is shown in Fig. 7.20 (a) for the strain rate 3×10 s .
        that sub-cooling of water plays a significant role in the   The systematic decrease in stress values with increase
        minimum heat flux required for nucleate boiling.      in temperature is noticed. As compared to 300 K and
                                                              773 K, the strong influence of strain rate on stress values
        7.6.8 High Temperature Properties of Calandria        is observed at 973  K in this material  (Fig. 7.20  (b)).
              Material                                        The  variations in  tensile  properties with temperature
                                                              exhibited  the three distinct temperature regimes i.e.
            To evaluate the in-vessel retention capability of the  Regime-I (up to  473  K),  Regime-II (473-873  K) and
        calandria  against thermal-mechanical  loads generated  Regime-III (>873 K).

         Fig. 7.20(a): Engineering Stress-Strain Curves of SS304L at   Fig.7.20(b):  Effect  of  Strain  Rate  on  Engineering  Stress-Strain
                   3×10 s  Strain Rate at different Temperatures        Curves of SS304L at Temperatures 300, 773 and 973 K
                       -5 -1
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