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7.9.4 Numerical Analysis of Multi-level Excavation in  the heave on account of re-filling with soil-cement mix
              Alluvial Soil and Impact of Multiple Buildings   is shown in  Fig. 7.29. Detailed  SSI analysis  of safety
              on Settlement: A Case Study of GHAVP Site       related structures also taking into account the residual
                                                              effect of excavation phenomena is under progress.
            Excavation  at NPP sites involves  large area with
        multiple levels of excavated bed for founding structures  7.10 AERB FUNDED SAFETY RESEARCH
        at different depths. Due to removal  of overburden          PROGRAMME
        during excavation, stress is relieved from the soil below
        the foundation. Consequently, to the extent that the soil   AERB promotes and funds research in radiation
        behaves elastically, the soil beneath the excavation and  safety and industrial safety. AERB Committee for Safety
        adjacent ground tend to move upward called ‘Heave’.  Research Programmes (CSRP) frames guidelines for the
        A study of this phenomena considering the excavation  same and also evaluates, recommends grants for research
        for GHAVP, Haryana site is carried out.               projects and monitor their progress periodically. During
                                                              this period, CSRP recommended four new projects. It
            In the analysis, a detailed  FE model  of the soil   also approved the renewal of ten ongoing projects. The
        (~750mX650mX200m),  excavation,  and  ground          details are given in Tables 7.1 and 7.2.
        improvement (GI) layer is developed using site specific
        geotechnical properties. A sequential analysis involving   AERB  also provides  financial  assistance to
        simulation of Geostatic stress state, removal of excavated  Universities, Research Institutions and Professional
        soil up to the excavation  depth and soil-cement  re-  Associations for holding symposia and conferences on
        filling (using sub-merged density of material) up to the  the subjects of interest to AERB.  During  this period,
        founding depth is undertaken. Initial geostatic state of  financial  assistance was provided  to 34 Seminars,
        stress,  heave of  the excavated bed,  and reduction of  Symposia and Conferences.

           Geostatic State of Stress before Excavation   Heave of the Excavated Bed (Plan)  Residual Heave after GI Filling (Plan)
                    (Isometric view)
                                          Fig. 7.29: Results of Multilevel Excavation Analysis

        Table 7.1: New Research Projects Approved

         S.                                                              Principal
         No.                       Project Title                        Investigator         Organisation
          1   Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Double Containment  Dr. Mohd.   IIT Roorkee
              Structures of Indian PHWR against Hard Missile Impact due to   Ashraf Iqbal
              External Event
          2   Molten Corium Concrete Interaction Studies               Dr. Arunkumar   IIT Bombay, Mumbai
          3   Assessment of Liquefaction Potential through Analytical Methods  Dr. S. D. Anitha  M. S. Ramaiah University of
                                                                       Kumari         Applied Sciences, Bangalore
          4   Performance Evaluation of Generic Compounds with Effective   Dr. Shweta    Thapar Institute of Engineering
              Functional Group as Corrosion Inhibitors for RC Structures  Goyal       & Technology, Patiala

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