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(iv) Department of Atomic Energy (DAE)                from its Licensees of Accelerator  Facilities and DAE
                                                              units involved in  activities  associated  with transport
            AERB continued its co-ordination activities with DAE   of  Radioactive  Material. The objective of  this annual
        on issues related to control over Beach Sand Minerals   conference is to foster an environment  wherein the
        and handling of other Naturally Occurring Radioactive   Licensees could interact, discuss and provide valuable
        Materials  (NORM)  such as Columbite  Tantalite  ores,   feedback to AERB on various issues related to nuclear/
        purification of Uranium contaminated water.           radiation safety and regulatory requirements.

        8.5 SAFETY PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES                         Following technical sessions were held in NCRI-2019
                                                              with focus on expectations from regulatory framework
            AERB organizes and/or participates in discussion   and regulatory processes of AERB and Experiences &
        meetings  and other  professional  meets to deliberate   sharing  feedback of consenting  process, review and
        on nuclear and radiation safety aspects and the system   assessment activities of AERB:
        of regulatory regime followed by AERB and the basis
        of regulatory decision making process. AERB also  •  Regulation  of Accelerator Facilities and Feedback
        organises  safety promotional activities, the details of   from Licensees
        such events are given below.
                                                              •  Regulation  of  Transport  of  Radioactive Material
        8.5.1 National Conference on Regulatory Interface         (RAM) and Feedback from Licensees
              (NCRI)                                              NCRI-2019  witnessed gathering of delegates of

            AERB hosted 3  National  Conference on            various DAE units under purview of AERB and experts
        Regulatory Interface (NCRI-2019) on  December  24,    in the field. Around 132 delegates participated in the
        2019  at Mumbai. This year the purpose  was to take   conference, with representation from the RRCAT, VECC,
        open feedback  on all regulatory  processes of  AERB   NPCIL, NPP  Sites,  NFC, BRIT and BARC amongst

                                  Glimpses of National Conference on Regulatory Interface (NCRI-2019)

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