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Vessel-Retention and related phenomena. The research  8.5.2 DAE Safety and Occupational Health
        needs are also identified in the CSRP and DAE-SCSR           Professionals’ Meet
        committees, in addition based on the AERB management
        insights in-house research programs are also lined up.    The 36  DAE Safety & Occupational Health
        Three technical document (TECDOCs) to support/aid  Professionals’  Meet,  2019  was  jointly  organized  by
        finalization  of  AERB requirements and guidance  for  AERB and Nuclear Fuel Complex at Hyderabad
        emergency management has been prepared.               during August 21-23, 2019 to promote awareness
                                                              about safety and occupational health aspects in DAE.
        (e) Emergency Planning and Response                   The themes of this year’s Meet were:

            There were discussions on  development  of plant   •  “Effective  Management  of  Occupational
        specific Emergency Action  Levels (EAL)  for PHWRs,       Experience towards enhanced Industrial
        LWR, PFBR and additional features in decision support     Safety” related to industrial safety aspects and
        system (DSS) for dose projections based on monitored
        parameters. Subsequent to the approval  of off-site  •  “Effective      Management         of    Medical
        EPR template by  AERB and based on the guidance           Emergencies  at  Workplace”  related to
        document prepared by the expert group (EG-EAL),           occupational health aspects
        NPPs have started preparing plant specific EALs. For
        PFBR, BHAVANI has prepared the EAL document.              Around 200 delegates from various DAE units
        Recently EAL document of LWRs has been prepared.      & Aided  institutes  attended the meet. Technical
        There was discussion that the requirements for handling   sessions were held in which presentations were made
        emergencies  during transportation of radioactive     by distinguished persons from the field of industrial
        material should be developed & sustained. The SDDP    safety and occupational health on the topics relevant
        and draft  safety guide for transport  of radioactive   to the respective themes, including a special talk
        material is under preparation. It was discussed that there   by Chairman, AERB. These presentations were
        is potential  for chemical  emergency  due  to handling   immensely useful for the enrichment of knowledge
        of Chlorine and H S and accordingly requirements of   of participants. The meet provided platform to
        EPR to be reviewed. Activities for identifying EALs for   professionals  for  interactions and sharing  the
        chemical plants have been initiated through an internal   experience in the areas of industrial & occupational
        group in AERB.                                        health safety.

           Dignitaries Inaugurating the 36  DAE Meet (L to R): Shri R.
            N. Jayaraj, Former CE, NFC; Shri Dinesh Kumar Shukla,
          Executive Director, AERB; Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman,   Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman, AERB Delivering the
                                                                             Inaugural Address in the Meet
           AERB, Dr. Dinesh Srivastava, Chairman & CE, NFC and Smt.
                        Sheela, DCE (Safety), NFC

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