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be adhered for safe management of Nuclear & Radiation    The meeting was organized  with three technical
           Facilities. Utilities should remain prepared to meet any  sessions consisting of ten invited talks on remediation
           exigencies with robust systems as well as by mobilizing  related topics. The talks were delivered by experts from
           the supporting resources from all connected agencies.  IGCAR, BARC, NPCIL, AERB (including SRI), Former
           He felt that the focused discussions in the theme  DAE  experts and  invitees  from academia.  The  talks
           meet on the environmental  remediation  especially  extensively  covered  the  Chernobyl  and  Fukushima
           the experiences gained  in  Chernobyl  and  Fukushima  experiences and current developments.
           accidents should guide to adopt appropriate strategies
           considering radiological, social and economic aspects.   (iv) Theme   Meeting   on   ‘Nuclear   Security
           Shri S.S. Bajaj, Former Chairman AERB, presided over     Regulation’
           the theme meeting as Chief Guest.                        A theme meeting on ‘Evolution of Nuclear Security
                                                                 Regulation  at Nuclear Facilities & Feedback from
                                                                 Licensees’ was organised on May 30, 2019 in AERB with
                                                                 an objective to disseminate changes in the regulatory
                                                                 review process of nuclear facilities on security aspects
                                                                 among the licensees and obtain their feedback on the
                                                                    Apart from overview of evolution  of the nuclear
                                                                 security  regulation,  the  participants  also  got an
                                                                 opportunity to listen to invited talks on the evolution
                                                                 of nuclear  security at DAE,  evaluation  of physical
                                                                 protection systems  & its implementation  in India and
                                                                 the nuclear  security  guidelines  of IAEA  by eminent
                                                                 persons from the field of nuclear security.

                         Dignitaries in Panel Discussion            Representatives from nuclear facilities (NPCIL and
                                                                 HWB) provided their feedback on nuclear security

                                       Glimpses of AERB Theme Meeting on Evaluation of Nuclear Security Regulation

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