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8.6 PUBLIC AWARENESS ACTIVITIES                       for Journalists organized by DAE to spread awareness
                                                              on societal applications of radiation at RAPS,
        8.6.1 Participation in Public/Scientific Events       Rawatbhata, Rajasthan during August 5-9, 2019.
                                                              Workshop  involved  series  of  lectures  from  experts
        (i)  Seminar on Radiation Safety                      and close interaction on the subject. More than 45

            National Association for Application of Radioisotopes   journalists belonging to National Union of Journalists
        and Radiation in Industry (NAARRI) and S. P. B. Patel   as well as from local region participated. AERB officer
        Engineering College, Mehsana organised the National   delivered a lecture on ‘Regulatory and Safety aspects
        Seminar on ‘Application of Radioisotopes and Radiation   of Radiation Sources for Societal Benefits’. The
        Technology  in  Agriculture, Healthcare  and  Industries’   workshop provided a valuable platform to interact
        during February 15-16, 2019 at Mehsana, Gujarat.      with the media personnel and proved to be a useful
                                                              awareness exercise. A number of news items on the
            Dr. A. U. Sonawane, Head, DRA&C delivered the  event  had  been  published  in various newspapers.
        talk during national seminar attended by students and  Some interviews taken on the electronic media for
        faculty members from science and technology institutes,  local channels etc. had also been telecast.
        agriculture universities, and medical  & para-medicals
        institutes.                                               AERB had setup an informative exhibition stall
                                                              to showcase AERB’s role in Nuclear and Radiation
        (ii) Participation in Journalists Workshop            Safety. Apart from Journalists, many students from
                                                              school/colleges, general public from nearby places
            AERB participated for the first time in the workshop   visited exhibition stall.

            Glimpses of AERB Exhibition Stall (L to R): 1. Shri Vijay Kranti, Chairperson NUJ(I)-SJC interviewing Dr. A. U. Sonawane, Head,
            DRA&C, AERB 2. Participating Journalist interacting with AERB Official, 3 & 4. Students and General Public visiting AERB stall

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