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(ii) Awareness  programme  on  ‘Safety  and  DR facilities. Lectures on various  topics such as
              Regulatory Requirements for Diagnostic  Safety & Regulatory requirements  for DR, Personnel
              Radiology Facilities’                              Monitoring,  Excessive Exposure cases and  Guidelines
                                                                 of eLORA were delivered. Medical practitioners, X-ray
              An awareness programme on ‘Safety and Regulatory   Technologists  and Bio-medical  engineers  from West
           Requirements for Diagnostic Radiology (DR) Facilities’   Bengal,  Odisha & Assam attended  the programme.
           was organised by Eastern Regional Regulatory Centre   A leaflet on ‘Radiation Safety in use of  Radiography
           (ERRC) of AERB at Kolkata on July 30, 2019 for the    and Computed Tomography Medical Equipment’ was
           employer  and/or representatives of newly registered   distributed to the participants.

              Shri M. K. Pathak, Officer-in-Charge, ERRC delivering the    Participants of the Awareness Programme
                        Lecture in Awareness Programme

           (iii) Awareness  Programme  on  ‘Safety  and  radiation  sources. Total 93 participants attended  the
               Security of Well-logging Sources’                 programme.

               AERB  organized an  awareness programme  on       8.5.4 Theme Meetings/Workshops  For Nuclear
           ‘Safety and  Security  of Well-logging  Sources’ on         Facilities
           November 26, 2019 at AERB, Mumbai for Engineers/
           Supervisors / RSO of well-logging  radiation  facilities   AERB organises and /or participates in discussion
           to sensitize their roles & responsibilities with respect to  meetings and other professional meets to deliberate on
           safety & security of radioactive sources. The programme  nuclear and radiation safety awareness and the system
           had the aim that RSO of the facilities would further  of regulatory regime followed by AERB and the basis of
           train / disseminate the information to other personnel  regulatory decision making process. The details of such
           of respective institutions  associated  with handling  of  events are given below.

               Shri D. K. Shukla, Executive Director, AERB delivering the   Participants of the Awareness Programme
                    Inaugural Address at Awareness Programme

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