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           (i)  Actions Pertaining to Management of Disused             INTERFACES
               Sealed Radioactive Sources (DSRS)                    AERB  is associated with various  agencies  in  the

               AERB conducted a meeting on January 30, 2019 with   process of ensuring radiation safety in medical radiation
           representatives from BRIT, Waste Management Division,   facilities and industries handling  radiation  sources.
           BARC, Mumbai and Centralised Waste Management         AERB is routinely interacting with various ministries for
           Facilities (CWMF), Kalpakkam to discuss the issues    resolution  of generic issues related to radiation  safety
           pertaining to management of disused sources. The issues   owing to handling  of radiation  sources for various
           aroused due to utilities’ request for transfer of their foreign   applications.  Towards this, AERB has interacted  with
           origin sources to waste disposal agencies in India because   following concerned ministries departments/institutes.
           of various reasons like non-existence of original supplier   (i)  Indian Institute of Packaging (IIP)
           abroad, exorbitant cost quoted by the original supplier
           and non-availability of proper documentation for export   A meeting was  organized  with IIP  on January
           etc. The officials in the meeting discussed the criteria for  18, 2019 to have a clear understanding on roles and
           accepting the disused sources for disposal in India and  responsibilities  of AERB  and  IIP, with respect to the
           also to assess the feasibility of accepting the applications  package design approval  for transport  of radioactive
           pertaining to DSRS by the waste management agency.    material to ensure seamless regulatory arrangement.

               A  communication  was  sent  to  Chairman,  AEC  &  (ii) Ministry of Road Transport and Highways
           Secretary, DAE to establish a formal mechanism for       (MORTH)
           management of disused sources in the interest of securing
           public safety. Subsequently, a meeting was arranged with   Joint  meetings  were   organized   with   the
           BARC to establish the roles and responsibilities of the   representatives  from  AERB  and  Ministry of Road
           AERB and BARC with regard to the management of DSRS   Transport and Highways at Transport Bhavan,  New
           for its safe disposal in the country. Inputs with regard to   Delhi on April 30, 2019 and June 17, 2019 to identify
           establishing the mechanism for the management of DSRS   the gap areas in national  regulations  with  regard to
           was prepared by AERB in line with the National Policy   international regulatory framework for the purpose of
           on Management of Radioactive Waste and forwarded to   safe  transport  of radioactive material by  road and to
           DAE.                                                  understand and establish the roles and responsibilities
                                                                 of the concerned enforcing agencies.
           (ii) Response    to   National    Human      Rights
               Commission (NHRC)                                 (iii) Directorate  General  of Health  Services
               National Human Rights Commission sought response
           from AERB with regard to a complaint regarding           AERB  initiated coordination with DGHS to work
           functioning of Directorate of Radiation Safety (DRS)   out strategies and mechanisms for effective regulation
           in Kerala and unregulated medical X-ray equipment,    of Clinical Establishments (CE) using medical devices
           operating in the State to which AERB provided         emitting  ionizing  radiation.  This   co-ordination
           clarifications. AERB also provided the detailed response   mechanism is being evolved to fulfil AERB’s mandate
           on the historical background on formation of DRS in   of ensuring radiation safety of medical devices emitting
           Kerala and subsequent change in their responsibilities   ionizing  radiation  under  Atomic Energy  (Radiation
           after implementation of web-based licensing system    Protection) Rules, 2004 (promulgated under the Atomic
           (eLORA) and mechanism by which AERB regulates         Energy  Act, 1962),  while simultaneously  fulfilling  the
           medical  X-ray  in  all  the  States  of  the  country.  The   requirements  spelt  under  the  provisions  of Clinical
           Commission disposed of the petition subsequently based   Establishment Act, 2010, by the National, State & UT’s
           on response from AERB.                                Authorities.

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