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           08          STAKEHOLDERS AND PUBLIC

            AERB has the mandate to keep the public informed   8.2 COMMUNICATION AND CONSULTATION
        on radiation and nuclear safety related matters. AERB      WITH STAKEHOLDERS
        views public outreach as an essential element to build
        a long lasting trust and confidence with media and the    AERB  provides all necessary  information to  its
        public at large. Towards this, AERB maintains its website   stakeholders through its website, annual reports,
        with all relevant and updated information; issues press   newsletters, press releases/briefings and media interviews.
        releases on contemporary issues, publishes quarterly   AERB website plays a pivotal role in keeping the public
        newsletters, annual  reports  / bulletins etc. AERB   informed on issues related to radiological safety, major
        addresses public concerns and provides information to   regulatory decisions, special technical reports etc.
        the public through print and electronic media on various
        topics of public concern.                                 Information on operating nuclear power plants
                                                              including validity of operating licence, regulatory
        8.1 AERB AND MEDIA                                    inspections, rated power capacities of all operating
                                                              NPPs, significant events, radioactive effluent discharges,
            AERB  issues press releases/website updates  with   occupational  exposures  etc.  are  provided  on  AERB’s
        an aim to keep members of public informed about its   website and the information is updated on monthly
        important activities. The  press releases  are issued in   basis.
        English as well as in Hindi. Details of the press releases
        are available on AERB website.                            AERB issues e-Newsletter on quarterly basis which
                                                              is being uploaded on the website.

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