Page 21 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 21

Safety Upgrades at NPPs Post-Fukushima

          Safety assessment of NPPs carried  out  post         Activities related to indigenous development,
          Fukushima  accident, has  provided  assurance          testing  and  qualification  of  Passive  Catalytic
          on availability of adequate safety margins and         Recombiner Devices (PCRD) addressing the post-
          inherent strength in dealing with external hazards.    accident hydrogen management  needs  for the
          However, certain safety enhancements  were             Indian PHWR containments have been completed.
          identified  for  further  strengthening  the  defences   PCRDs are being progressively installed in NPPs.
          against rare external events exceeding  the design
                                                               Technology development of Containment Filtered
          bases and  enhancing  severe accident  mitigation
                                                                 Venting System (CFVS) has been completed. CFVS
          capabilities. These actions were classified as short,
                                                                 has been installed in TAPS-1&2 (BWR), whereas
          medium and long term measures/safety upgrades.
                                                                 installation is in progress in PHWR based NPPs,
          Implementations of short and medium term safety
                                                                 where the requirement has been envisaged.
          measures/upgrades have been already completed.
                                                               On-site Emergency Support Centres (OESC) are
          AERB  is closely monitoring the status  of
                                                                 being  constructed in phased manner at  all  the
          implementation  of  long term  measures  and the
          progress is as follows:                                NPP sites.

                       Passive Catalytic               CFVS at TAPS-1&2              Experimental Facility
                     Recombiner Devices                                              for CFVS at TAPS-3&4

              Nitrogen Inerting System at TAPS-1&2

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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