Page 17 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 17

Safety Surveillance of

                              Operating NPPs & Research Reactors

                     Currently there are 22 operating NPPs in the country. During the
                     year 21 NPPs operated safely, one unit (RAPS-1) under defueled

                     •  Radiological doses to all occupational workers were within the

                     •  The releases from all the plants continued to remain only a small
                         fraction of the allowable discharge limits

                     •  The effective dose to public due to the radioactive discharges
                         were estimated to be far less than  the annual  limit  of 1mSv
                         prescribed by AERB

                                                                            SARCOP Members' Visit to RAPS-1&2

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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