Page 24 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 24

Safety Surveillance of R&D Centres and Industrial Plants

          Safety review of Variable  Energy Cyclotron Centre
          (VECC), Raja Ramanna  Centre for Advanced
          Technology (RRCAT), Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic
          Research (IGCAR)  and Electronics  Corporation of
          India Limited (ECIL) was done by AERB apart from
          the Fuel Cycle Facilities.
          Raja    Ramanna      Centre     for   Advanced
          Technology (RRCAT)

          RRCAT had licence for operation  of Agricultural
          Radiation Processing Facility (ARPF) with TWINDUS
          LINAC-1,  which  is a technological  demonstration
          facility for food irradiation.

           Facility                Status                    Scope of the Facility

           INDUS-1                 In operation              450 MeV, 100 mA electron Storage ring
           INDUS-2                 In operation              2.5 GeV, 200 mA Synchrotron Radiation sources
                                                             10 MeV, 5 kW LINAC for Technology Demonstration for
           TWINDUS LINAC -1        In operation
                                                             Food Irradiation
           TWINDUS LINAC-2         Trial Run Operation       10 MeV, 5 kW Electron Accelerator
           TWINDUS LINAC-3         Under Commissioning       10 MeV, 5 kW Electron Accelerator
           Accelerator             In operation              10 MeV, 10 kW Electron Accelerator
           LASER                   In Operation              150 TW Ti: Sapphire Laser System
           LASER                   Under Construction        1 PW Laser System
           Superconducting RF Cavity  Commissioning and operation Superconducting RF cavity at 650 MHz

          During the year, AERB reviewed following proposals and granted permissions:
           TWINDUS LINAC-2: Permission for trial run operation granted on January 25, 2019.
           TWINDUS LINAC-3: Permission for installation, testing and commissioning  granted on June 4, 2019.
           Superconducting RF (SCRF): Consent for commissioning and operation of Horizontal Test Stand (HTS)
             and permission for testing of SCRF cavities in HTS facility on June 20, 2019.

                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
                  AERB BULLETIN 2019
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