Page 25 - AERB Bulletin English
P. 25

Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre                      Electronics Corporation of India

          (VECC)                                                Limited (ECIL)

                                                                ECIL facilities are involved in production of nuclear
          The Room Temperature Cyclotron (K-130) was under      industrial instrumentation systems, control &
          operation,  delivering alpha  and  proton beams  of   communication  systems and other electronic
          various energies and intensities.  Commissioning  of   components. ECIL facilities at  Hyderabad  and
          Super-conducting cyclotron and Radioactive Ion Beam
                                                                Tirupati operated safely during the year.
          facility were in progress.

                                            During the year,
                                            AERB  reviewed,
                                            for      Stage-1
                                            of       Medical
                                            Cyclotron    and
                                            its    associated
                                            beamlines    and
                                            the      consent
          was granted on July 30, 2019. Medical Cyclotron will
          be used for  commercial  production of  isotopes  for
          Positron Emission  Tomography (PET)  and Single
          Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) as
          well as high end technological research.

           Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research (IGCAR)

           Two accelerator facilities viz. 1.7 MV Tandetron and 150 kV
           Accelerator were safely operated at IGCAR during the year.

          Board of Radiation & Isotope Technology (BRIT)

          BRIT facilities at Vashi, Navi Mumbai and its Regional
          Centres at several locations in the country are involved
          in production of radio-isotopes used in radiation
          facilities as well as radio-pharmaceutical used mainly
          in nuclear medicine applications.
          During the year,  following  applications  pertaining
          to BRIT  facilities were reviewed and based on the
          outcome of the safety review, respective licences were
          extended as detailed below;
           Unit                Renewal of Licence /Authorization under following Acts & Rules      Validity

           BRIT, Navi Mumbai    Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (and rules framed thereunder)
                                Factories Act, 1948, and
           BRIT-RAPPCOF, Kota
                                Authorization for Radioactive Waste Disposal/Transfer under GSR-125  January 31, 2024
           Regional    Centre  Atomic Energy Act, 1962 (and rules framed thereunder)
           BRIT, Hyderabad      Factories Act, 1948

                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
                                                                                     AERB BULLETIN 2019
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