Page 190 - AERB
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            Level/ Descriptor                    Nature of the Events                            Examples
                    7           Major release: Widespread health and environmental       Chernobyl NPP, USSR (now
           MAJOR ACCIDENT effects requiring implementation of planned and extended       in Ukraine), 1986
                                countermeasures.                                         Fukushima NPP, Japan, 2011
                    6           Significant release: Likely to require full implementation of   Kyshtym Reprocessing Plant,
               SERIOUS          planned countermeasures.                                 Russia, 1957
                                Limited release: Likely to require partial implementation of some  Windscale Pile, UK, 1957
                    5           planned countermeasures.                                 Three Mile Island, NPP, USA,
                                Severe damage to reactor core / several deaths from radiation.  1979
               ACCIDENT                                                                  Goiania, Brazil, 1987
             WITH WIDER         Release of large quantities of radioactive material within an
                                installation with a high probability of significant public exposure.
           CONSEQUENCES         This could arise from a major criticality accident or fire.
                                Minor release of radioactive material unlikely to result in   Tokaimuro, Japan, 1999
                    4           implementation of planned countermeasures other than local   Saint-Laurent des Eaux NPP,
                                food controls.                                           France, 1980
               ACCIDENT         Fuel melt or damage to fuel resulting in more than 0.1% release   Fleurus, Belgium, 2006
             WITH LOCAL         of core inventory.                                       Mayapuri, India, 2010
           CONSEQUENCES         At least one death from radiation/release of significant quantities
                                of radioactive material within an installation with a high
                                probability of significant public exposure.
                                Near accident of an NPP with no safety provisions remaining.
                    3           Highly radioactive sealed source lost or stolen/misdelivered   Vandellos NPP, Spain, 1989
                                without adequate radiation procedures in place to handle it.  Ikitelli, Turkey, 1999
               INCIDENT         Exposure rates of more than 1 Sv/h in an operating area.  Sellafield, UK, 2005
                                Severe contamination in an area not expected by design, with a   Yanango, Peru,1999
                                low probability of significant public exposure.
                                Exposure in excess of ten times the statutory annual limit for
                                workers/ Non-lethal deterministic health effect (e.g. burns) from
                                Significant failures in safety provisions but with no actual
                    2           consequences.                                            Forsmark, Sweden, 2006
                                Exposure of member of public in excess of 10 mSv/exposure of a
               INCIDENT         worker in excess of the statutory annual limits/ Radiation level in   Atucha, Argentina, 2005
                                an operating area of more than 50 mSv/h.
                                Significant contamination within the facility into an area not
                                expected by design.
                                Found highly radioactive sealed orphan source, device or
                                transport package with safety provisions intact / inadequate
                                packaging of highly radioactive material sealed source.
                                Minor problems in safety components with significant defence in   Breach of operating limits
                    1           depth remaining/ low activity lost or stolen radioactive source,   at a nuclear facility/ theft of
                                device or transport package.                             radioactive source
               ANOMALY          Overexposure of member of public in excess of statutory limits.

              DEVIATIONS        No safety significance
             BELOW SCALE
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