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ICCR           Integrated Command Control and           LWC            Light Water Commissioning
                                                                LWR            Light Water Reactor
        ICRP           International Commission on
                       Radiological Protection                  MAPS           Madras Atomic Power Station
        IFSB           Interim Fuel Storage Building            MCHFR          Minimum Critical Heat Flux Ratio

        IGALL          International Generic Ageing Lessons     MDEP           Multi-national Design Evaluation
                       Learned                                                 Program

        IGCAR          Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic          MDP            Management Development Programme
                       Research                                 MNNIT          Motilal Nehru National Institute of

        IGRED          Industrial Gamma Radiation Exposure                     Technology
                       Device                                   MoEF           Ministry of Environment and Forests

        IHRG           In-house Review Group                    MoPP           Monazite Processing Plant
        II             Injury Index                             MORTH          Ministry of Road Transport and

        IIP            Indian Institute of Packaging                           Highways
        IIT            Indian Institute of Technology           MoU            Memorandum of Understanding
        ILRT           Integrated Leak Rate Test                N&IF           Nuclear & Industrial Facilities

        IMS            Integrated Management System             NAARRI         National Association for Applications of
                                                                               Radioisotopes and Radiation in Industry
        INES           International Nuclear and Radiological
                       Event Scale                              NABL           National Accreditation Board for Testing
                                                                               and Calibration Laboratories
        IREL           Indian Rare Earths Limited
                                                                NAPS           Narora Atomic Power Station
        IRRS           Integrated Regulatory Review Service
                                                                NC             Non Conformance
        IRS            Incident Reporting System
                                                                NCRI           National Conference on Regulatory
        ISI            In-service Inspection                                   Interface
        ISO            International Organisation for           NDMA           National Disaster Management Authority
                                                                NEA            Nuclear Energy Agency
        IT             Information Technology
                                                                NEMIS          Nuclear Emergency Management
        ITI            Industrial Training Institute                           Information System
        JHA            Job Hazard Analysis                      NFC            Nuclear Fuel Complex
        JOLCC          Joint Official Language Coordination     NFRG           Nuclear Facilities Regulation Group
                                                                NHRC           National Human Rights Commission
        KAPP           Kakrapar Atomic Power Project
                                                                NIC            National Informatics Centre
        KGS            Kaiga Generating Station
                                                                NOC             No Objection Certificate
        KKNPP          Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project
                                                                NORM           Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material
        LECCS          Loss of Emergency Core Cooling System
                                                                NPCIL          Nuclear Power Corporation of India
        LMODC          Loss of Moderator Circulation                           Limited
        LOCA           Loss of Coolant Accident                 NPP            Nuclear Power Plant

        LRP            Large Rotatable Plug                     NPSD           Nuclear Projects Safety Division

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