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        ACNRS          Advisory Committee on Nuclear and        CANDU          Canada Deuterium Uranium
                       Radiation Safety
                                                                CBS            Computer Based Systems
        ACOH           Advisory Committee on Occupational
                       Health                                   CCC            Construction Completion Certificate

        ACPSR          Advisory Committee for Project Safety    CE             Control Engineer
                       Review                                   CESC           Civil Engineering Safety Committee

        ACS            Advisory Committee on Security           CFD            Computational Fluid Dynamics
        ACTREC         Advanced Centre for Treatment,           CFTF           Compartment Fire Test Facility
                       Research and Education in Cancer
                                                                CFVS           Containment Filtered Venting System
        AER            Atomic Energy Research
                                                                CHARMS         Corporate Human Assets and Resources
        AERB           Atomic Energy Regulatory Board                          Management System
        AFR            Away From Reactor                        CISF           Central Industrial Security Force

        AGFS           AERB Graduate Fellowship Scheme          CISAG          Computer & Information Security
        AGMS           Annulus Gas Monitoring System                           Advisory Group

        AIIMS          All India Institute of Medical Sciences  CIWH           Condensation Induced Water Hammer
        ALARA          As Low as Reasonably Achievable          CMG            Crises Management Group
        AMD            Atomic Minerals Directorate for          CNS            Convention on Nuclear Safety
                       Exploration and Research                 COMREF         Core Melt Retention Facility
        AMG            Accident Management Guideline            CORAL          Compact Reprocessing of Advanced

        APAR           Annual Performance Appraisal Report                     Fuels in Lead Cell
        ARPF           Agricultural and Radiation Processing    CPGRAMS        Centralized Public Grievance Redress
                       Facility                                                and Monitoring System
        ASCE           Assistant Shift Charge Engineer          CPWG           CANDU PSA Working Group

        ATI            Administrative Training Institute        CRP            Coordinated Research Project
        BARC           Bhabha Atomic Research Centre            CRSA           Committee for Reviewing Security
        BHAVINI        Bharatiya Nabhikiya Vidyut Nigam
                       Limited                                  CSP            Core Sub-assembly Plant
        BITS           Birla Institute of Technology and Science  CSRP         Committee for Safety Research
        BDL            Below Detection Limit
                                                                CSS            Commission on Safety Standards
        BWR            Boiling Water Reactor
                                                                CSIR           Council of Scientific & Industrial
        BOC            Bureau of Outreach & Communication                      Research
        BRIT           Board of Radiation & Isotope             CSTS           Calandria Side Tube Sheet
                                                                CT             Calandria Tubes/ Computed
        BSD            Biennial Shutdown                                       Tomography

        BSM            Beach Sand Minerals                      CWMF           Centralised Waste Management Facility

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