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13          FINANCE

            AERB receives  funds from Government of India  important regulatory activities.
        (GoI) for meeting its expenditure. AERB has full powers
        to operate its budget, which it prepares and submits for  13.3 GRANTS TO RESEARCH PROJECTS
                                                                  AERB provides grants to academic institutions for
        13.1 ANNUAL BUDGET OF AERB AND ITS                    research projects to carry out safety research in the areas
               UTILISATION                                    of AERB interest. Details of CSRP projects are provided
                                                              in  section  7.10 of this report. The  research outcome

            Annual expenditure                                is used for framing new regulations, safety review and
        during    the   period                                analysis etc.
        was  Rs.  99.61  crores
        comprising Rs.  25.74                                 13.4  FUND  UTILISATION  ON  PUBLIC
        crores  under Capital                                         OUTREACH PROGRAMMES
        Budget,    Rs.   71.94
        crores under  Revenue                                     In order to inform the public on various safety
        Budget  and  Rs.1.93                                  related issues, to address their concern and to sensitise
        crores towards Grant-                                 the users on regulatory requirements, AERB conducted
        in-Aid  Scheme.  Expenditure includes  salary, office   awareness programmes for users and public at various
        expenses, travel, public outreach programmes, services   places.  During  the year AERB funds were utilised on
        of experts, Grant-in-aid towards financial assistance for   following activities.
        projects of AERB interest to academic institutes and for
        seminars/ conferences etc.

            Expenditure for Capital  is mainly  towards
        construction  of Niyamak  Bhavan-C at HQ, salary of
        new recruits  under Capital Budget, establishment of
        Regional  Regulatory Centres (RRC), R&D activities
        and IT related activities. Refurbishing and upgradation
        activities of existing office buildings  at HQ is nearing
        completion.  Construction activities are in progress for
        ERRC at Kolkata.
                                                              (i)  Awareness programme on ‘Radiation Safety in the
        13.2 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT AND IT                      use of Radiation Source for Societal Benefits’ at
               INFRASTRUCTURE                                     Madurai.
                                                              (ii)  Awareness programme  on ‘Safety in Diagnostic
            Funds were utilised for procurement of  software      Radiology’ at Kolkata.
        for analysis work at AERB HQ and at SRI Kalpakkam,
        establishing  experimental  facilities  at SRI for R&D  (iii) Awareness programme  on ‘Responsibilities  of
        activities and  procurement  of radiation  protection     Suppliers in Nucleonic Gauges’ and ‘Well logging
        instruments etc.                                          facilities’ at Mumbai.

            Funds were also utilised to improve  internal IT  (iv) Displayed exhibits in journalists workshop organised
        infrastructure and implementation  of continuous          by DAE, to spread awareness on societal applications
        upgradiation/improvement  plan for e-LORA covering        of radiation.

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