Page 175 - AERB
P. 175

Shri G. Nageswara Rao, Chairman, AERB and Shri S. S. Bajaj, former Chairman, AERB planting the saplings in DAE
                                                     Convention Centre

                            Plantation of saplings in AERB premises by Chairman, Executive Director and AERB Staff

            A Hindi Quiz  competition based  on the harmony  many as 21 employees took part in the competition by
        between  ‘Atomic Energy  and  Environment’  was  forming team of 3 members each. The best three teams
        conducted in AERB on June 4, 2019 by Shri Vaibhav  were awarded with prizes during  Scientific Seminar
        Gholap,  AERB  in coordination  of Hindi  Section. As  organized on June 6, 2019.

                  व ि िदी प्रश् नम ं च प्रवियोगििा

                                   Participants of Quiz Competition on ‘Atomic Energy and Environment’

                                                                                      AERB Annual Report 2019  147
   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178   179   180